Do you know if your senior facility is E911 compliant?
Don’t take any chances. Telcom is here to ensure that your facility is E911 compliant.

Congress passed both Kari’s Law and Ray Baum’s Act to better facilitate 911 calls to First Responders from your staff, residents, and visitors. As a senior living facility, you have a duty to comply with the law for everyone under your protection.
These new laws govern how easily the digits 9-1-1 are dialed from your facility, how you are notified of someone dialing 911 as soon as the call happens, and how your phone system and telephone carrier work in concert to provide first responders the details of the caller’s location.

Is your senior living facility compliant?
Telcom’s experts will guide you through the process of determining your current level of compliance and assist you becoming compliant.

Consequences of
Should a situation in your facility arise which a local municipality inspection finds you non-compliant, fines and judgements can be costly.

Kari's Law & Ray Baum's Act
Congress passed both Kari’s Law and Ray Baum’s Act to better facilitate 911 calls to First Responders from your staff, residents, and visitors.
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