
Hotel, Motel, Resort & Spa

Your property strives to distinguish itself from your competition.  Whether you operate a 900-room convention center hotel, a small bed & breakfast or an exclusive resort, your guests have the awesome power to keep you in business, or not.  Committing to an ongoing guest retention program with Telcare puts you back in the driver’s seat.  Knowledge is power, and Telcare specializes in obtaining that guest satisfaction knowledge for you in a high quality, simple, but low cost way.

Telcare recommends the following guest retention program that gets you that all important knowledge while promoting referrals and repeat business.  On our Online Survey Reports site, the results of the surveys can be easily cross-tabulated by department, property, region or any other demographic information, to show you exactly where the improvements need to be made and which staff need coaching or rewarding.

  • Hand-signed Thank You card within one week after departure
  • Short telephone survey to see if their experience was positive two weeks after departure
  • Hand-signed Holiday card (Thanksgiving, Winter Holidays) just to say you appreciate them
  • Hand-signed card or letter to invite them back in several months or a year with a repeat business or referral reward

HSMAITelcare is an active member of HSMAI, the Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International, a leading source for sales and marketing information, knowledge, business development, and networking for professionals in tourism, travel, and hospitality.

To obtain a quote for your property, please contact Telcare today.