Customer Assurance Surveys Design, Implementation, and Analysis of Survey Results
Telcare will walk you through the entire process creating the survey, to carrying it out, to analyzing the data, and finally developing an action plan to analyze customer assurance.
Survey Development
A dedicated Telcare representative will meet with you to discuss your survey plans. Be prepared for a lot of questions! We will need to know the what, why, when, how and who of your project. We often interview several members of your staff to get a better feel for not only your particular industry but also your organization and its culture. We’ll ask about your industry’s slang and technical terms so we can properly design your satisfaction survey to speak to your customers on your behalf.
The survey development process will include discussions about budget, expected outcomes, and prepping your organization’s personnel to handle those outcomes. Once those items are decided, we start to narrow in on the survey method (telephone, mail, email, etc.), rating scales, and draft questions.
If you have chosen a telephone or mailed survey, we will execute that survey for you with either our professional team of survey agents or our in-house mailing experts.
If you have chosen a web / email or text / sms survey, we can execute that survey on your behalf through our network of high quality, low cost providers. Why not go directly to them? Telcare’s initial customer assurance survey design consulting will help you choose the right questions and scales to get the most out of your satisfaction survey.
Analysis of Survey Results
Once the survey has been completed, we will format the results into reports that are both meaningful and easy to read. If you can’t form an opinion about the data on a graph in less than 5 seconds, the graph is not effectively representing that slice of data. Please see our Online Survey Reports to learn more about our custom reporting.
The next aspect of our consulting expertise is developing an action plan. When reviewing customer assurance survey results, it is easy to get caught up in scores and numbers. Telcare will assist you in seeing beyond those numbers to create a plan which will guide your organization to make the changes needed to move those numbers in the future.